Meet Our New Vice President Club Member, RippleNami Uganda
We are Proud to Welcome RippleNami Uganda to the AmCham Family!
“RippleNami Uganda is deeply committed to doing business in Uganda and Africa. We look forward to connecting with like-minded AmCham members." - Jaye Connolly-LaBelle, CEO of RippleNami Uganda
The RippleNami Uganda Mission
rip•ple•na•mi [ rip-uhl-nah-mee ] n 1. a ripple of data becomes a tsunami of information.
Imagine a world where you have all the data that is important to you at your fingertips…a world where vast amounts of data can be visualized, so it is easily understandable and actionable…and a world where everyone who has a phone will have equal access to the benefits that this technology will bring.
RippleNami Uganda’s imagination ran wild with the mission to connect 5 billion unconnected people and execute on their global vision of inclusion.
RippleNami Uganda recognizes that people empowered with real-time and easily accessible information around the world can connect and foster unimaginable change.
Ripplenami Uganda has developed the first blockchain traceability and transparency microservices platform that can easily be supported in ANY cloud based infrastructure provider (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, or IBM Cloud) or any on-premise environment. This platform aggregates an unlimited number of data sources in any format to provide a merged view of all the data into a single consistent geotagged visualization platform.
By enabling critical decision making and enhanced collaboration, this seamless integration, and unlimited customization and scalable architecture, allows RippleNami Uganda clients to chart their world, streamline communication and improve operational effectiveness.
For more, visit:
Facebook: RippleNami Uganda
LinkedIn: RippleNami Uganda
Twitter: RippleNami Uganda
Instagram: RippleNami Uganda